Yes , I have failed miserably on my commitment to post on my blog regularly! LOL.
I have finally packed up Christmas....UGH. Hate that job!
For the past two weeks I have been working on building a website for a friend of mine. I am now well versed on all aspects of bass fishing lures!
More than I ever actually would need to know. :)
It's almost completed. Just a few finishing touches and it will be ready for all the fisherman to
make their purchases for this years fishing season!
I have also found my way back to my book, 'Lot's and Lots of Marshmallows.' From time to time , I just have to tuck it away. I find it easier to work on every few months. I think it's almost ready!
There is a shoreline children's writers competition , , in Feb.and I would like to submit an entry.
The book is a sweet little story of Miss Willow's magical garden, where marshmallows bloom! Yes, marshmallows! Hence, the name of my blog! Those of you who know me or have visited my garden are very familiar with the 'marshmallow garden' at my home!
My goal this year, one of many, is to get started on the artwork for the my spare time...LOL.
Then ,eventually, I would love to see it in print.
Other than that, there is not much else going on. We are in the long & dull winter months here in New England. I am not much for the cold seasons.
.... Dreaming of my gardens for the 2010 season.
Talan & Chase, picking marshmallows!
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