"..in the End, all that really matters isn't the things you did, but what its effects are today, not the knowledge you have learned, but how you applied it, not the words that were said, but how they made you feel, and most of all, not the moment of occurrence, but how its now just a part of our memory.. Everyday, we make memories.. Let's paint lives with happy ones.."
Author: unkown

Tuesday, February 7, 2012


 I do not have a green thumb as far as houseplants go. This is a 'Slipper Orchid' that I acquired from a Waterfowl Show I was at this past October. I nursed it under a antique glass closhe until it began growing another flower. And look what I got out it! A stunning flower that I just can't stop photographing!
 There is another blossom that will be blooming soon too!
One beautiful plant with endless angles to shoot!

Temperature: Paphiopedilum are divided into two temperature groups: warm and cool growers. The attractive mottled-leaf types come from the temperate zones and do best with a night temperature not below 60 degrees F. (preferably 65 degrees F.), and a day temperature of 75-85 degrees F. The solid green-leafed types come from the higher, cooler altitudes. They require a night temperature of 50-60 degrees F. and a day temperature of 70-80 degrees F.

Water: Paphiopedilum must be kept constantly moist or damp, but not soggy. Check frequently below the surface to determine the need for water. Normal watering intervals are between seven and ten days.

Light: Place in any bright window but protect from mid-day sun. Leaves should be a medium-green color. If they are too pale or yellowish, the plant could be getting too much light. (Approximately the same light intensity as African Violets is preferred.
Feeding: Good results may be obtained by using a high nitrogen fertilizer (25-9-9) all year round. Feed once a month at one-third of a teaspoon or less to a gallon of water. Paphiopedilum are sensitive to fertilizer burn.
Repot: Paphiopedilum should be repotted every two to three years with a fresh, well draining potting medium, such as fine-grade orchid bark or Orchid Mix. It is important that the base of the growth be potted no deeper than 1/2" in the medium

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Running like the wind!

With orders from the Vet, We have been taking the girls running daily in a field by our house. Our older Golden, Iris, needs to shed a few pounds. Willow, my 2 year old English Golden, eats like a horse and never gains a pound! And she never stops running either! Willow really does wear me down.
The weather has been terrific around here lately! They run for about 15 minutes, running like the wind from one end to the other. With tongues hanging, they are exhausted and in turn rest for the remainder of the evening...much to our delight!