"..in the End, all that really matters isn't the things you did, but what its effects are today, not the knowledge you have learned, but how you applied it, not the words that were said, but how they made you feel, and most of all, not the moment of occurrence, but how its now just a part of our memory.. Everyday, we make memories.. Let's paint lives with happy ones.."
Author: unkown

Saturday, December 5, 2009

...Bring on the Bling!

  I finally found  my way back to the blog this week.  As mentioned earlier....spare time is far and few between. 
 Better late... then never! 

Today will be spent giving the tree its 'Bling'.  It's in position , lit and ready for my treasures.

   Over the past twenty-eight years,  I have been obsessed with collecting Christmas ornaments.  Just ask any one one of my family members.  They will vouch for that!  The bigger and more unusual, the better! I can remember where and when I purchased each and every one.  Memories of special occasions,  loving gifts I received from others and purchases made on one of  the many memorable  afternoon shopping trips with my sisters and my Mother.  Gosh... I miss those afternoons together.  Very special memories.  (That just made me tear up...we miss you with all our hearts Mom. xo)  My father gave me my first one in 1981.  It's a Hallmark 'Father~Daughter' ornament and is very special.
  Once on the tree,  placed ever so carefully on just the right branch,  the  tree slowly  comes to life and surely 'speaks' to me!
  Memories galore!   Time to get started...

This is a mysterious treasure.
  Years ago,  this small wooden basket was found in the ceiling rafters of my Grandpa Scherber's workshop.  I just love it!  I wish I knew exactly where it came from, but I don't.
  I'd like to think it was a special gift,  handmade lovingly, for a very special Christmas, one hundred and thirty one Christmas's ago!  My father does'nt know anything  about it.  I think I recall him saying " he never even saw it before?"  Possibly a gift from my Great-Great Grandfather,  to my Great-Great Grandmother?  I'll never know and can only imagine.  But, it will be unpacked and displayed for many Christmas's to come.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh, love this, Gay. I'm a nut for ornaments too.. our tree is a hodge-podge of anything and everything, handmade to foreign origin. All vacations at any time of year, we find an ornament for the tree to remember the time.